I tend to dislike explaining myself or my actions to anyone, but in regards to the paranormal and supernatural, I would like to share a few facts and stories...
Background and Personal Investigations
I have always been interested in such anomalies as ghosts, u.f.o.'s, and Bigfoot, but my interest took on an investigative quality sometime back in 2001. While I have experienced some of my own unexplainable events, I wanted to explore the possibility of other peoples' inexplicable incidents. To conduct my investigations, I started off with one simple question: "Have you ever experienced any form of paranormal or supernatural activity?" While conducting my investigations, my findings surprised me. A great majority of the people I asked that simple question to had an intriguing answer. As much as I can remember, as many as four female friends of mine have seen a spectral apparition in one form or an other (unknown spirits, the Virgin Mary). A male friend of mine, while being operated on after getting shot in the chest, experienced an out-of-body experience (o.b.e.) in which he looked down upon his body and the doctors operating. You may be surprised by what you discover just by asking that one simple question to close friends and relatives. Growing up, I read as many books and watched as many television shows on such subjects as I could. In the nineties, there were television shows such as Sightings and Unexplained Mysteriesto feed my hunger of u.f.o. footage and ghost stories. On the net, there are countless web sites devoted to reporting on the latest in unexplainable phenomena.
I have always been interested in such anomalies as ghosts, u.f.o.'s, and Bigfoot, but my interest took on an investigative quality sometime back in 2001. While I have experienced some of my own unexplainable events, I wanted to explore the possibility of other peoples' inexplicable incidents. To conduct my investigations, I started off with one simple question: "Have you ever experienced any form of paranormal or supernatural activity?" While conducting my investigations, my findings surprised me. A great majority of the people I asked that simple question to had an intriguing answer. As much as I can remember, as many as four female friends of mine have seen a spectral apparition in one form or an other (unknown spirits, the Virgin Mary). A male friend of mine, while being operated on after getting shot in the chest, experienced an out-of-body experience (o.b.e.) in which he looked down upon his body and the doctors operating. You may be surprised by what you discover just by asking that one simple question to close friends and relatives. Growing up, I read as many books and watched as many television shows on such subjects as I could. In the nineties, there were television shows such as Sightings and Unexplained Mysteriesto feed my hunger of u.f.o. footage and ghost stories. On the net, there are countless web sites devoted to reporting on the latest in unexplainable phenomena.
My experience with Electronic Voice Phenomenon ( E.V.P.)
First, I think I should explain that E.V.P. is a phenomenon in which a spectral voice is recorded by any sort of recording device. While my experience occurred using a micro-cassette recorder, the "experts" in this field use digital recorders. Also, I feel that there are variations of E.V.P., not just the type that capture the voices of spirits. This event occurred around Halloween of 2001 and sparked my investigations: I was beginning to learn about E.V.P. when I decided to conduct my own experiments in this field. At that time I was working nights and realized that would greatly improve my chances of catching something genuine on tape without any discrepancies. Before leaving for work, leaving an empty apartment except for a single cat, I said out loud some like, "If there are any spirits here, let yourselves be known on this tape." I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was something like that. Before I recorded I made sure that at least the side of the tape I was using was blank and that the recorder had fresh batteries, also insuring my chances of catching something genuine on tape. I set the micro-cassette recorder in the middle of the coffee table, pushed the record button, and went to work. After work I came home and reviewed the tape. After a while, I still heard nothing, but I kept on listening intent of finishing the entire tape. To my surprise (and horror) about half way through the tape I finally heard a voice. Only it wasn't one of a spirit, it was my own. I reviewed the tape again and again paying close attention to the slightest detail. What I was hearing was what seemed to be the recorder stopping, starting up again, my voice saying "nine," the recording stopping again, and then continuing to record until the tape stopped. I have no easy explanation for this event, I can only call it an E.V.P.
First, I think I should explain that E.V.P. is a phenomenon in which a spectral voice is recorded by any sort of recording device. While my experience occurred using a micro-cassette recorder, the "experts" in this field use digital recorders. Also, I feel that there are variations of E.V.P., not just the type that capture the voices of spirits. This event occurred around Halloween of 2001 and sparked my investigations: I was beginning to learn about E.V.P. when I decided to conduct my own experiments in this field. At that time I was working nights and realized that would greatly improve my chances of catching something genuine on tape without any discrepancies. Before leaving for work, leaving an empty apartment except for a single cat, I said out loud some like, "If there are any spirits here, let yourselves be known on this tape." I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was something like that. Before I recorded I made sure that at least the side of the tape I was using was blank and that the recorder had fresh batteries, also insuring my chances of catching something genuine on tape. I set the micro-cassette recorder in the middle of the coffee table, pushed the record button, and went to work. After work I came home and reviewed the tape. After a while, I still heard nothing, but I kept on listening intent of finishing the entire tape. To my surprise (and horror) about half way through the tape I finally heard a voice. Only it wasn't one of a spirit, it was my own. I reviewed the tape again and again paying close attention to the slightest detail. What I was hearing was what seemed to be the recorder stopping, starting up again, my voice saying "nine," the recording stopping again, and then continuing to record until the tape stopped. I have no easy explanation for this event, I can only call it an E.V.P.
My experience with Shadow People
I have not seen what I have come to know as shadow people for many years now. Until I was around 7 to 8 years old, every once in a while, I would see shadow people (male/female) darting across walls or lawns. I was never scared of them and I always accepted them as what they were. I suppose as I got older I would dismiss the shadow people as my eyes playing tricks on me, but there is one incident that made me think of shadow people in a different light. From 2nd to 8th grade I went to the same small private school, the school yard was a lot smaller than most public schools. Around the edge of the actual building there was a slight downward angle of wood that hid the bottom of the trailers that ended in a dirt/flower bed. One day a kid I knew, but really wasn't friends with, and I sat on the edge and looked out into the school yard. We were talking about something and all of a sudden he jumps up and looks around the corner of the building. I asked why he did that. He responded that sometimes he saw shadow people and he wanted to get a better look at it because, as he said, they ran fast. Ever since that day I knew I wasn't alone and wondered what exactly we were seeing. I figured that the two of us, practically strangers, could not imagine the same thing.
I have not seen what I have come to know as shadow people for many years now. Until I was around 7 to 8 years old, every once in a while, I would see shadow people (male/female) darting across walls or lawns. I was never scared of them and I always accepted them as what they were. I suppose as I got older I would dismiss the shadow people as my eyes playing tricks on me, but there is one incident that made me think of shadow people in a different light. From 2nd to 8th grade I went to the same small private school, the school yard was a lot smaller than most public schools. Around the edge of the actual building there was a slight downward angle of wood that hid the bottom of the trailers that ended in a dirt/flower bed. One day a kid I knew, but really wasn't friends with, and I sat on the edge and looked out into the school yard. We were talking about something and all of a sudden he jumps up and looks around the corner of the building. I asked why he did that. He responded that sometimes he saw shadow people and he wanted to get a better look at it because, as he said, they ran fast. Ever since that day I knew I wasn't alone and wondered what exactly we were seeing. I figured that the two of us, practically strangers, could not imagine the same thing.
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